Pineapple Skin Healing Tea

Escape to a tropical paradise with every sip of my Pineapple Tea! In this vibrant recipe, I transform the freshest pineapple, skins and all, into a zesty elixir that forms the heart of this delightful tea. Infused with the warmth of cinnamon sticks, the zing of ginger slices, and a touch of star anise, it's a spicy embrace in every cup. But here's the secret ingredient that adds that extra touch of magic: a drizzle of maple syrup. And to make it all possible, I rely on my trusty PURE Juicer to blend these flavors into a cozy concoction that's as cute as it is irresistibly delicious. Sip by sip, my Pineapple Tea will transport you to a mini vacation in a mug!

If you love this recipe, you might want to try my Homemade Vegan Chai Latte and Vegan Jamaican Jerk Nachos!

COURSE: Beverage

CUISINE: Tropical


  • Calories 80

  • Protein 0.5g

  • Dietary Fiber 2g

Why You Will Love This Pineapple Skin Healing Tea:

You'll absolutely love this Skin Healing Pineapple Tea because it's like a tropical hug for your skin! Packed with the natural goodness of fresh pineapple, ginger, cinnamon, and a dash of star anise, it's not just delicious but also fantastic for your skin. Pineapple is loaded with vitamin C, which helps boost your skin's radiance and fights off pesky blemishes. The ginger and cinnamon add a warm, cozy touch, while star anise gives it a unique twist. Plus, a drizzle of maple syrup makes it sweetly irresistible. So, it's not just a tasty treat but also a secret weapon for healthy, glowing skin. And with the awesome deal from PURE Juicer, you can make it in a snap!

About the Ingredients:

The ingredients for this awesome Pineapple Tea are super simple and packed with flavor! You'll need fresh pineapple, which is like a burst of sunshine in a cup, along with cinnamon sticks for a warm, cozy vibe, star anise for a unique twist, and fresh ginger to give it a zing. Mix all these goodies with some water, and don't forget a drizzle of maple syrup or agave for that sweet touch. With just these fantastic ingredients, you'll whip up a delicious and refreshing treat that's perfect for sipping and enjoying with friends!

Fresh Pineapple

Fresh pineapple is the star of the show in this recipe, and it brings a burst of tropical flavor that you're going to love! Packed with natural sweetness and a zesty kick, fresh pineapple not only makes your Pineapple Tea taste amazing but also adds a healthy dose of vitamin C, which can help your skin glow and ward off blemishes. Its vibrant, juicy chunks are like a ray of sunshine in every sip, making your tea refreshingly delicious. So, don't miss out on the goodness of this fantastic fruit—it's the key to turning your tea into a mini vacation in a cup!

Cinnamon Sticks

Cinnamon sticks are like nature's flavor wands in this recipe! These long, brown sticks add a warm and cozy taste to your Pineapple Tea, making it super comforting. Think of them as the spice that gives your drink a big, friendly hug. Cinnamon sticks bring a unique, sweet-spicy flavor that's perfect for making your tea extra special. So, when you drop them into your brew, get ready for a taste adventure that's both delicious and comforting. They also have some cool health benefits, like helping to balance blood sugar levels!

Star Anise

Star Anise is the hidden gem in this Pineapple Tea! It's those cool, star-shaped pods that add a super unique flavor twist. Think of it as the cool cousin of regular spices. When you drop it into your tea, it brings a hint of warm, sweet licorice flavor that makes your tea taste out-of-this-world awesome. It's also known to help with digestion and can alleviate symptoms like bloating and indigestion!

Fresh Ginger

Fresh ginger in this recipe is like the cool, spicy sidekick of the gang! It's like a knobbly root with a real zing, giving my Pineapple Skin Healing Tea that extra kick of flavor. Think of it as the "spice" that adds a bit of excitement to the party. Ginger not only makes things taste awesome but also has some cool benefits for your body, like helping with digestion and giving your taste buds a pleasant surprise. So, when you add fresh ginger to the mix, you're not just making your tea tasty, but you're also treating yourself to a little health boost!

Maple Syrup or Agave

When it comes to adding sweetness to your Pineapple Tea, you've got two great options: Maple Syrup or Agave. Maple syrup, like liquid gold from trees, gives a warm, cozy flavor that pairs perfectly with the pineapple's zesty sweetness. On the other hand, agave nectar is like nature's sweet syrup, and it brings a smooth, mild sweetness to your tea. They're both fantastic choices to make your tea taste just right. So, pick your favorite and give your Pineapple Tea that perfect touch of sweetness!

Questions and Tips:

What equipment can I make this recipe in?

All you need are some basic kitchen tools to whip up this awesome Pineapple Tea! You'll want a cutting board and a sharp knife to chop up the fresh pineapple and ginger. A saucepan to simmer all the ingredients together, and a stirring spoon to mix everything up. Don't forget a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain out any bits. And if you have a juicer, like the @purejuicer, it can really level up the pineapple juice extraction process! So, whether you're using just the basics or have a cool juicer on hand, you'll be all set to make this delicious tea.

Are the extra toppings necessary?

While the extra toppings in this Pineapple Tea recipe aren't mandatory, they do add some awesome flavors! The cinnamon sticks, star anise, and ginger slices give it a warm and spicy kick, making the tea super cozy and flavorful. However, if you don't have these on hand, don't worry! You can still enjoy a delicious cup of Pineapple Tea. You might want to try adding a splash of lemon juice for a zesty twist or a few mint leaves for a refreshing kick. These alternative toppings can give your tea a whole new level of yumminess, so feel free to get creative and make it your own!

What else can I serve with this Pineapple Skin Healing Tea?

Pair your Skin Healing Pineapple Tea with some tasty treats to make it a full snack experience! It goes awesome with fruit skewers or a fresh fruit salad – the fruity goodness together will make your taste buds dance. For a more substantial bite, consider serving it alongside some yummy sandwiches or wraps with ingredients like turkey, chicken, or veggies. And if you've got a sweet tooth, try some cookies or a slice of cake for dessert. So, with this tea, you've got the perfect companion for all your snacking desires!

How long does this recipe last?

This tasty Pineapple Tea is at its best when it's fresh and full of flavor, just like a tropical vacation in a cup! It's perfect for sipping on the same day you make it, but if you store it in the fridge, it can stay good for a day or two. Just remember, the fresher, the better, so enjoy it while it's at its tastiest!

Will non-vegans like this?

Absolutely, even if you're not a vegan, you'll totally dig this Pineapple Tea! It's like a vacation in a cup. The fresh pineapple, ginger, and warm cinnamon sticks make it a flavorful party for your taste buds. And whether you go for maple syrup or agave, it's all about the sweet vibes. So, whether you're into vegan eats or not, this tea is a tasty adventure waiting for everyone to hop on board! Sip and enjoy, folks!

Pineapple Skin Healing Tea

Pineapple Skin Healing Tea

Yield 4
Author Gabrielle Reyes
Prep time
10 Min
Cook time
15 Min
Total time
25 Min
Escape to a tropical paradise with every sip of my Pineapple Tea! In this vibrant recipe, I transform the freshest pineapple, skins and all, into a zesty elixir that forms the heart of this delightful tea. Infused with the warmth of cinnamon sticks, the zing of ginger slices, and a touch of star anise, it's a spicy embrace in every cup. But here's the secret ingredient that adds that extra touch of magic: a drizzle of maple syrup. And to make it all possible, I rely on my trusty PURE Juicer to blend these flavors into a cozy concoction that's as cute as it is irresistibly delicious. Sip by sip, my Pineapple Tea will transport you to a mini vacation in a mug!
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